the data
Program Data
In 2018, 11 of our 5 Steps to Five children "graduated" into Head Start. When evaluated on more than 80 measurements (like solves problems, uses print concepts, speaks clearly), and compared to national expectations, our graduates averaged 50% higher ratings than the average 3-year-old who had not attended 5 Steps to Five programs.
In 2019, all but 4% of our "graduates" met or exceeded national expectations. Over one-third of these children exceeded what was expected of them in the school environment.
We are currently compiling new data from our program and we look forward to sharing the results with you​.
Having books in the home creates a rich environment for learning, encouraging children to read for pleasure and expand their vocabulary — in both languages.​
Research shows that children with a larger vocabulary when they start kindergarten tend to become stronger readers and achieve higher academic success throughout their school years.
Regular reading aloud exposes children to a wealth of new words, fostering a deeper understanding of language and communication.