Why it’s important to know:
. Babies are curious and love to explore and discover the things they see every day.
. Curiosity is a natural drive and parents have to allow for it and encourage it.
. Parents have to make time and create a safe structure for babies and toddlers to explore - it's how your children start to make sense of their world.
Summary of how to help your children explore:
•Make sure their play space is safe and that they have supervision.
. Allow them to do things themselves - where possible and age appropriate (e.g. feed themselves, peel an orange ...)
. Play along side them, and let the child direct the play.
. Follow their interest.
Why it’s important to know
• From 1-year old, babies can start to learn about numbers and counting
. Research shows that children are about a year old, parents can begin teaching them about numbers and counting by modeling these techniques themselves.
Summary of how to introduce numbers to babies and toddlers:
• When you're playing, count out things that are the same (blocks, animals, dinosaurs, etc.)
. Sing songs with numbers
. When reading books, point and count things
Why it’s important to know
Summary of how to talk, sing + point:
CRAFT: Make a musical instrument